

The song is the single and the single sucks

It never sounded good
it always sounded bad

Tää on jotain niin killerii ettei mitään rajaa. Lyyristä neroutta. Rummut! Basso! Tsekkaappa BARR.

what is the song
the pop song
is it a conduit?
to give out the feeling in a compact form
a short form
and shorter is better
because it is physically much easier to share
a slogan verse a book
single versus record
what its blank white
with really no cover
and that leaves the meaning clear
its more vague
with no hints to intentions
except that maybe the intention was to seem vague
or not to have a cover
maybe just there's no cover
and if the children care, then the children are pissed
you said you wanted pop
but instead you got this
oh, my god
what do you do?

B-puolet on pyhitetty levolle ja vapaudelle. Ei paineita. BARR tietää miten hommat toimii. BARR on Brendan Fowler. Song Is The Single löytyy vuoden 2007 albumilta Summary, jonka jälkeen en tiedä, että uutta levyä olisi tullut. Ehkä Brendan tekee jotain muuta, koska hän on jo tyhjentänyt musiikillisen aarrearkkunsa. Miksi toistaa itseään, jos ei ole enää mitään annettavaa. 

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